Why people like funny news

A roarboar report

People like to laugh.

These days...a lot of people need to laugh. They have to. You have to.

A lot of people like to laugh at the absurd. Memes and comedy videos are fun fiction. Satire is a special kind of fiction - an art that is rooted in non-fiction but explores the absurd from a slightly different perspective.

Funny news is non-fiction. Thankfully for all of us who like to laugh: Florida.

The roarboar looks for all kinds of non-fiction, funny, news.

Different people laugh at different aspects of funny news. One cluster of people tends to find joy in obvious humour. Consider the real headline: "Massachusetts police ask residents to refrain from crime until after the heat wave passes" -- which is a great headline.

From one perspective, it's funny that a police force would ask people to refrain from crime. It's an obvious kind of request. Then there's the topical kicker - because it's hot out. From the point of view of another cluster, the heat is something that causes a lot more crime. People are a lot more irritable when it's too hot. The longer it goes on, the worse the violence.

Consider the headline: "Naked man jumps on Volvos at Portland dealership". From one perspective, it's funny to think of an unusual thing happening at a usual place. A dealership in Portland sounds like a pretty boring place. And that's relatable because most people work at a boring place. Imagine their surprise when a naked man starts jumping on, of all things, Volvo's.

Some people enjoy particularly darkest of the dark stuff. "Met officer admits using grieving family's cable TV to order porn" contains a violation and a situation that is ridiculous. Others enjoy softer violation bearing headlines, like "Man strangled goose at Syracuse-area gas station, took it and drove off" and "Circle K stores ditch 'Secretary Day' condom offer".

Others enjoy headlines that tell the truth about animals and politicians. "Politician's Press Conference Dogged By Accidental Facebook Cat Filter". Oh geez. What are you going to do?

Pepole like funny, factual, news - because it makes them laugh. They find joy in different elements of the story. Some like to laugh on the dark side. Others like clean humor that anybody can enjoy.

We agree. Come laugh with us.

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